1280 - Aft 1351 (71 years)
Name |
Isabel (of Bonkyl) Stewart |
Birth |
1280 |
Gender |
Female |
Death |
Aft 16 Jul 1351 |
1348 |
Person ID |
I132547 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- From Doug Hickling
"As you will note from the Dunbar lineage I have emailed you and the
supplemental Dunbar materials coming to you by priority mail, a fewchanges
in your GEDCOM listings are in order. You list the mother of John (1stEarl
of Moray) Dunbar as Black Agnes (of Moray) Randolph. In fact Black Agnesand her husband had no children and John (1st Earl of Moray) Dunbar wasthe son of Patrick (Sir) Dunbar, who married Isabella Randolph, who wasBlack Agnes' sister. Isabella (or Isobel or Isabel) Randolph and hersister Agnes were daughters of Thomas (Sir) Randolph, who became firstEarl of Moray, and his wife Isobel Stewart, daughter of John (Sir)Stewart of Bonkill by Margaret,
heiress of Bonkhill. This is shown in SP 6:294-5. Thus neither of the
Randolph sisters were descended from John/Thomas (3rd Earl of MorayRegent) Randolph and his spouse Euphemia de Ross. SP 6:295-7, says thatThomas, second Earl of Moray, left no issue and neither did his brotherJohn, 3rd Earl of Moray. So, Euphemia had no children by him and latermarried the man who became King Robert II and had children by him."