1300 - 1346 (46 years)
Name |
Kenneth Na Sroine (3rd of Kintail) Mackenzie |
Birth |
1300 |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
1346 |
Executed |
Person ID |
I130152 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- For more information see Notes under "CLAN origins MACKENZIE" in thisfile.
"3. Kenneth na sroin, who, according to most of the family historians,married a daughter of Macdougall of Lorn (possibly Alexander deErgadia). He identified with the anti-Bruce faction even though hissuperior, the Earl of Ross, supported Bruce. The Earl punished him bytaking away his lands and by imprisonment and execution, the latteroccurring at Inverness in 1346. Kenneth's two sons, Murdoch and John hadfled to their mother's people in Lorn. Murdoch returned to Ross,toregain his lost inheritance, but always remained more or less an outlawas indicated by his sobriquet, Black Murdo of the Caves. He was probablyrecognized as chief in his day, but, for some reason, the succession fellto the progeny of his brother."
From Pedigree VII of Doug Hickling
For more information see Notes under "CLAN origins MACKENZIE" in thisfile.
The name of his wife is questionable.
For more information see Notes under "CLAN origins MACKENZIE" in thisfile.
His father sometimes shown as Ian/John/Kenneth (2nd of Kintail) Mackenzie.
For more information see Notes under "CLAN origins MACKENZIE" in thisfile.
For more information see Notes under "CLAN origins MACKENZIE" in thisfile.
In Earl of Cromartie tradition:
Kenneth "Na Sroine" married a daughter of Macleod of Lewis (e), withissue Murchadh Dubh.(f) By another wife he had Murchadh Riabhach.(k)Natural sons: Eachann Biorach, Dubhghall Deargsheileach, Alasdair
In MacKenzie of Applecross tradition:
Kenneth "Na Sroine" married a daughter of MacDougall of Lorn (c) who wasthrown over the Scatwell Bridge. (d)
"Traditions of the Mackenzies" by William Matheson, 15th April 1949.Pages 193- 229 in Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, VolumeXXXIX/Xl , 1942-1950
Printed for the Society by A Learmonth & Son, 9 King Steet, Stirling,1963.
See also the web site of Diane Christina MacKenzie's(dianemackenzie@home.com) web site
Diane MacKenzie's Family Links to Scotland
Descendants of Kenneth (I Lord of Kintail) MacKenzie
See also Stirnet Genealogy athttp://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/mac/mackenzie01.htm