- 1714
Name |
Ludovic (8th of Freuchie) 1st of Grant |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
1714 |
Person ID |
I129166 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
5 May 2021 |
Notes |
- Enquiry from Kenneth Fields about "Ludovic Grant who emmigrated (or wasexiled) to the new world from Scotland."
" I have become aware of some distant relatives who claim to haveestablished that this Ludovic Grant was the grandson of Ludovic (8th ofFreuchie) ... The link I am specifically intereseted in is a John Grant(son of Ludovic (8th of Freuchie) 1st of Grant) who was the father of ourL. Grant in the new world. My second cousin has a book which lists aJohn Grant as the first born of Ludovic (8th of Freuchie) 1st of Grant,but who died young and was never married. I cannot find any independantdocumentation that supports their claim. The story is that our LudovicGrant was involved in the Jacobite rebellion, was captured at Prestonand then exiled to the new world. He became a trader and trapper in theold Cherokee country and married a Cherokee woman. His great grandsonwas a Chief Richard Fields of the Texas Cherokee (War Chief anddiplomat). "