- 1753
Name |
Archibald (Physician) (of Lochiel) Cameron |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
7 Jun 1753 |
Executed On Tower Hill |
Burial |
Savoy Chapel |
Person ID |
I127609 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- An E Mail received Feb 2002.
"Most of the desc. of Dr. Archibald Cameron went to Ceylon to the teaplantations. Another who claimed to be a desc. was in North Carolinaarriving in August 1791."
"Dr. Archibald Cameron who was executed in London after the '45 andburied in the Savoy Chapel... The book I referred to was in the Libraryof Congress in Washington, D. C. (It was published in the late 1890's )It had a detailed account of his descendants and their removal toCeylon. My interest in Dr. Archibald Cameron is due to my Cameron line,and what I think was a myth about their origins. They left Scotland forthe "Valley of the Scots" on the Cape Fear River near Fayetteville, NorthCarolina between 1729 and 1791, depending on which family. TheMcAlisters, McKeithans, McNeills, and McPhails came early, the Camerons,Bakers, Kellys, and Stewarts later.
They all spoke Gaelic until after the Civil War. My grandfather'sgrandfather and my great grandfather always cursed in Gaelic. Aftertheir deaths in 1909 and 1939 we even lost that ability."