1402 - 1459 (57 years)
Name |
Patrick (1st Baron Glamis) Lyon |
Birth |
1402 |
Glamis, Angusshire, Scotland |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
21 Mar 1458-1459 |
Belhelvies |
Burial |
Glamis |
Person ID |
I125620 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Family |
Isabella Ogilvy, b. 1406 d. 1484 (Age 78 years) |
Marriage |
Linthrathen, Scotland |
Children |
| 1. Alexander (2nd Baron Glamis) Lyon, b. 1429 d. 1486 (Age 57 years) |
| 2. John (3rd Lord Glamis) Lyon, b. 1431, Glamis, Angusshire, Scotland. d. 1 Apr 1497, Glamis, Forfar (Age 66 years) |
| 3. Elizabeth (of Glamis) Lyon, b. Abt 1425, Glamis, Forfarshire, Scotland d. Yes, date unknown |
Family ID |
F48557 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
24 Jan 2013 |
Notes |
- "Patrick (Sir) Lyon, Knight of Glamis Born 1402, Glamis, Angusshire,Scotland. [Circa James I] He was hostage to the English for the 1424ransom of King James, and was made 1st Lord Glamis and a peer ofParliament in 1455 after being released as hostage as Lord Glamis I.Master of King's household in 1452. III Lord of Kingborne. He marriedIsabella (Ogilvie) Ogilvy2, born 1406 in Linthrathen, Scotland. She diedin 1484. He died in March 21, 1459 in Bellhelvies.."
This information is from Sandi Hartnell, (hartnellsl@attbi.com) who says"Most of the early stuff was compiled by my grandmother's twin sister,Mina Lyon Rife. She dated the material 1956. She did a lot of research,and attributed some of the material from a 3 volumes titled "LyonMemorial". She indicated they were purchased in Boston at Goodspeed BookStore. I visited Glamis Castle about 10 years ago and have guidebooksfrom there that had family information, and I also picked up someinformation from various web cites.
See also under John de Lyon, born Bet. 1292 - 1319