1390 - 1453 (81 years)
Name |
Margaret of Lennox |
Birth |
Between 1370 and 1390 |
Gender |
Female |
Death |
Between 1451 and 1453 |
Person ID |
I119541 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- Some sources show her as daughter of Malcolm 5th Earl of Lennox but giventhe dates I have gone with the suggestion of Jim Weber below.
Post-em from Jim Weber
"Even though you have sources, for the parents of "Miss" Lennox, by myreckoning she was born too late to be daughter of Malcolm, the 5th Earl(d. 19 Jul 1333). I estimate her birth year to be 1370-90.
My current favorite, as a candidate is Margaret Lennox, 2nd daughter ofDuncan, the 8th Earl. According to CP VII:593, she m. bef. 25 July 1392Robert Menteith of Rusky, who was dead in 1411. CP doesn't mention anysubsequent husband, but she died "bef 1456", which leaves a lot of roomfor a 2nd marriage. My estimated date of Alisdair's daughter who m.James Stewart is 1411-15, which would fit nicely with Menteith's death as1st husband in 1411."