Notes |
- Elizabeth was succeeded by James Stuart who was great-grandson of her aunt Margaret through both the only surviving son of Margaret's first marriage (James V of Scotland who had only one legitimate surviving child, Mary Queen of Scots) and the only child of her second marriage (Mary Douglas whose eldest son Henry married Mary Queen of Scots and was father of James Stuart, King of both England and Scotland).
For the sources of information, see in this file under "INFORMATION,Sources of" and also "INFORMATION, General Clan Genealogy ".
"Britain's Royal Families. The Complete Genealogy". Alison Weir, 1996.Pimlico. Random House.
"House of Tudor. Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. This was an ageof brilliance; Shakespeare, Marlow and Spenser in literature, Drakecircumnavigated the globe and Raleigh made voyages of discovery.Elizabeth had a great knack of picking good advisers and Burleigh andWalsingham were among her ministers. Her first task had been to restorethe very weak economy and then she established the Church of England.Throughout her reign Catholics were harshly persecuted. Mary Queen ofScots, the granddaughter of Henry VIII's sister Margaret and the FrenchDauphine, posed a threat and she was imprisoned and then executed. In1588 the Spanish Armada of 130 ships set sail from Cadiz with theintention of collecting allies in the Netherlands and then invadingEngland. The Queen left London for Tilbury where a defending force wasassembling. On Friday 19th July 1588 the armada was sighted off theLizard and the English Feet of 80 ships under Lord Howard of Effinghamtogether with Drake, Frobisher and Hawkins intercepted it in the Channeland caused havoc by setting fire-ships upon it. The weather deterioratedand the Spanish Fleet was blown around the North of Scotland wreckingmany of their vessels. Only 53 returned to Spain. Elizabeth, who had beenbeautiful in youth, grew old and ugly and spurned the advances of theEarl of Essex and had him executed. She died on Thursday 24th March 1603.JAMES I 1603 House of Stuart. Son of Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnleyhe was proclaimed James VI of Scotland in 1567 and became James I ofEngland on Elizabeth's death in 1603. James married Anne of Denmark andthey had 6 children but by nature he was homosexual and the appointmentof favourites as advisers caused resentment. On taking the English throneJames was entitled King of Great Britain. James had a Presbyterianbackground and the Roman Catholic conspirators who attempted to blow upthe opening of liament on Tuesday 5th November 1605 were suitably dealtwith. Robert Cecil and Francis Bacon were among his advisers but he hadSir Walter Raleigh executed and would not tolerate privateering which hadbeen so profitable in Elizabeth's reign. During his reign the AuthorisedVersion of the Bible was published and the Scot, Napier, devisedlogarithm tables. In 1607 Virginia in America was colonised while in 1620the Pilgrim Fathers settled in New England. Old Will Shakespeare died in1616 whilst in 1611 Ulster was colonised by Scottish and Englishsettlers. James's faculties declined as he grew older and he died onSunday 27th March 1625."
410 - Present Day
Part of "GALLICA. Historical & Archaeological Interpretation", "World ofthe Celts.
Rhyme to Remember them by
Willy, Willy, Harry, Ste,
Harry, Dick, John, Harry three,
One, two, three Neds, Richard two,
Henries four, five, six - then who?
Edwards four, five, Dick the bad,
Harries twain and Ned the lad,
Mary, Bessie, James the vain,
Charlie, Charlie, James again,
William & Mary, Anna Gloria,
Four Georges, William and Victoria,
Edward, George, then Ned the eighth
quickly goes and abdicat'th,
leaving George, then Liz the second,
and with Charlie next it's reckoned.
That's the way our monarchs lie
since Harold got it in the eye!
PS. Sorry, Lady Jane Grey - you got the chop!