Abt 1905 - 1967 (62 years)
Name |
Anthony Hilton Pepys |
Birth |
Abt 1905 |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
31 Jan 1967 |
Person ID |
I111859 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- "Brig. Anthony Hilton Pepys DSO was born estimated 1905. He
died on 31 Jan 1967.
Anthony was educated at Hawtreys, Eton and Sandhurst after 1911. Heserved in
the military joined first Royal Dragoons in 1924. He served in themilitary
Colonel of First Royal Dragoons in 1954/1964.
Anthony married Mary "Rachel" Fitzalan-Howard daughter of Henry
Fitzalan-Howard Duke of Norfolk on 9 Nov 1961. Mary was born in 1905. She
died in 1992. "
From Andy Prescott APres92455@aol.com
E Mail: 25 Sept 2001
"I am doing an extensive study of the "Pepys" family. I have drawn from
Walter Courtenay Pepys' "Genealogy of the Pepys Family" and EdwinChappell's "Eight Generations of the Pepys Family".
You have on your database Brig. Anthony Pepys m. Fitzalan-Howard. I havehis parentage as Col. Walter Pepys b.1876. of Warwickshire. Col. Walterand his daughter Joyce Nancy Evelyn Pepys also appear on Gencirclesdatabases.
However I do not have the origins of Col. Walter. Even though he was bornin
1876 he does not appear in Walter Courtenay's 1887 publication....
Andy Prescott APres92455@aol.com
ONS: Pepys/Peeps (Pepis, Pepes, Peppys, Peppes, Pippis, Peppis, Peyps,
Peepes, Peaps, Peapes, Peapis, Peapys, Papes, Papys, Pypys, Pipys, Pipes,
Peps, Pepps, Pepy)"
28 April 2001
The spelling "Pepys" largely ceases to appear in Norfolk after 1700s.
However in the late 1890's and early 20th century many of the "Peeps"changed or reverted to the spelling of "Pepys."
I have not been able to find Brig. Anthony in Burkes under the Earls of
Cottenham descendants of Charles Christopher Pepys. Most of the modernPepys are in this line."
Andy Prescott APres92455@aol.com