Abt 800 - 854 (54 years)
Name |
Ethelwulf King of England |
Birth |
Abt 800 |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
13 Jan 854 |
Burial |
Winchester Cathedral |
Person ID |
I110762 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- Below from http://www.gallica.co.uk/celts/monarch.htm
Part of "GALLICA. Historical & Archaeological Interpretation", "World ofthe Celts".
Ethelwulf was the son of King Egbert and had previously ruled Kent andadjoining minor kingdoms. He continued wars against the Danes and had avictory at the mouth of the ret in Somerset in 845 and again in 851 whenhe beat a force of 350 ships' companies who attacked Canterbury.Ethelwulf helped the Mercians against the Welsh and then married theMercian king's daughter.He was a religious man and in 855 undertook apilgrimage to Rome, leaving the country in charge of Ethelbald his eldestson. On his return, to avoid civil war, he allowed Ethelbald to retainWessex while he ruled Kent and other ts of SE England. Events abroadduring Ethelwulf's reign included the Treaty of Verdun in 843, whichdivided the Frankish Empire and laid the foundation for the states ofFrance and Germany. In 844 Kenneth MacAlpine united Scotland. In the850's the crossbow was used for the first time in France. Ethelwulf diedon Thursday 13th January 858 and is buried at . At this time our islandwas known by it's old Greek name, Albion, by the rest of Europe. The nameEngland was not used until two centuries later.