Notes |
- Hi Hamish,
I thought I should write your in regards to an error in your database onethe Internet.
You wrote:
Francis (10th Earl) HASTINGS (13 Mar 1728 - 2 Oct 1789)
EVENT: Info 2: died without children. Earldom suspended until claimed byHans Francis Hastings descendent of 2nd Earl in 1819 [1328]
This isn't exactly true. He d.s.p.l. (died without legitimate issue).However, he did have an illegitimate son as follows:
Lt. Gen. Sir Charles HASTINGS m. Lady Parnell ABNEY (daughter of ThomasABNEY, Esq., Lord of Willesley [1725-1791] & Parnell VILLARS [d.1798]).
Lt. Gen. Sir Charles HASTINGS committed suicide in 1830. He & LadyParnell ABNEY had issue:
Charles ABNEY-HASTINGS (1792-1858), Lord of Willesley
Frank ABNEY-HASTINGS (1794-1828)
The sons assumed the name ABNEY in order to be eligible to succeed totheir mother's estates. Both, however, d.s.p.
From "The Feudal History of the County of Derby" by John Pym YEATMAN(pub.1905 Moody Bros.), pp75-76:
"He [Thomas Abney, Lord of Willesley] left an only daughter Parnel. Shemarried Charles Hastings, an illegitimate son of the 10th Earl ofHuntingdon...he ended his unhappy carreer by shooting himself...LadyParnel Abney passed her days in seclusion at Willesley, afflicted bypartial blindness, and her son, although he had always declared that athis death the estate should revert to the family, in 1844 settled it uponan entire stranger to them, who was the sister of the last Marquis ofHastings...Sir Charles Hastings made it a condition, which the Cliftonfamily had no option to obey, since it was apparently made in accordancewith the wishes of his ancestors, from whom he derived the estates, thatthe holders of the Abney estate should take the name and arms of thatfamily [Abney]."
From the 1911 Edition Encyclopedia:
(pg.53) "When Francis, 10th earl of Huntingdon, died in October 1789, thebarony of Hastings passed to his sister Elizabeth (1731v1808), wife ofJohn Rawdon, earl of Moira, and from her it came to her son FrancisRawdon-Hastings (see below), who was created marquess of Hastings in1817."
(pg.54) "HASTINGS, FRANK ABNEY (1794v1828), British naval officer andPhilhellene, was the son of Lieut.-general Sir Charles Hastings, anatural son of Francis Hastings, tenth earl of Huntingdon."
R. Robert Abney Jr.
Centralized Abney Archives