m. 10 Sep 1848
Birth |
Death |
Bef 1850 |
??? She Is Not Listed In The 1850 Census With Her Husband  |
Burial |
Father |
Mother |
Notes |
- "Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941; Obtained 10 October 2007
Name: Sarah Neall
Spouse Name: George Dixon
Marriage Date: 10 Sep 1848
Marriage County: Warren
Source Title 1: Warren County, Indiana
Source Title 2: Marriage Record Book 3: March 1846 - January 1853
Source Title 3: Part I - Grooms Part II - Brides
OS Page: 596
Source Citation: Title: Warren County, Indiana, Marriage Record Book3: March 1846 - January 1853, Part I - Grooms Part II - Brides; Page:596.
Source Information:
Ancestry.com. Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data:
Works Progress Administration, comp. Index to Marriage RecordsIndiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.
Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research, comp. Electronic transcription ofmarriage records held by the individual counties in Indiana. Many ofthese records are on microfilm at the Family History Library in SaltLake City, Utah."