m. 24 May 1863
Birth |
9 Apr 1864 |
Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Death |
Oct 1940 |
Elkins, West Virginia  |
Burial |
Spouse |
Amanda Olive Jordon | F9158 |
Marriage |
Abt 1888 |
Nemaha County, Kansas  |
Birth |
19 Mar 1866 |
Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Death |
1930 |
Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Burial |
Spouse |
Husband Tharpe | F9433 |
Marriage |
Birth |
22 May 1868 |
Wayne Township, Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Death |
11 Aug 1869 |
Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Burial |
Birth |
25 May 1870 |
Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Death |
29 Dec 1945 |
Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Burial |
Spouse |
Grace Mable Dunkle | F9444 |
Marriage |
4 Jul 1891 |
Perry County, Ohio  |
Birth |
28 Aug 1873 |
Rockville, Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Death |
14 Aug 1907 |
Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Burial |
Birth |
17 Nov 1875 |
Blue Rock Twp, Muskingum County, Illinois  |
Death |
10 Mar 1911 |
Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Burial |
Spouse |
Husband Kachelimuer | F9450 |
Marriage |
Birth |
7 Oct 1878 |
Pike Twp, Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Death |
20 Aug 1905 |
Muskingum County, Ohio  |
Burial |
Birth |
1 Jul 1888 |
Nemaha, Nemaha County, Kansas  |
Death |
15 Sep 1941 |
Nemaha County, Kansas  |
Burial |
Sep 1941 |
Goff Cemetery, Nemaha County, Kansas  |
Spouse |
Hester | F9455 |
Marriage |
Abt 1911 |
Nemaha County, Kansas  |
Notes |
- Copy contributed by, Angela MacLellan of Michigan, angelmac2@aol.comon the 29 January 2008 per postal mail:
Harvey C. Smith Judge of the Probate Court, within and for the Countyof Muskingum, do hereby certify that the following is a true andcorrect Transcript taken from the Marriage Records in this office,where the same is by law required to be kept, to-wit: (copy)
I hereby certify that on the 24th day of May A.D., 1863, I joined inMarriage Greenberry Blackson AND Barbary Smallwood----J.Cecil V.D.M.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed theseal of said Court, at Zanesville, Ohio this 19th day of SeptemberA.D., 1918. Harvey Smith, Probate Judge." [Transcribed 18 February2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
Sources |
- [S125] Copy contributed by, Angela MacLellan of Michigan, angelmac2@aol.comon the 29 January 2008 per postal mail:, Marriage Transcript of Greenberry Hatfield & Barbara Ann SmallwoodBlackson, (Name: From Zanesville, Muskingum County Court House;
Copy contributed by, Angela MacLellan of Michigan, angelmac2@aol.comon the 29 January 2008 per postal mail:, Marriage Transcript ofGreenberry Hatfield & Barbara Ann Smallwood Blackson (From Zanesville,Muskingum County Court House), Source Medium: Other