m. 26 Aug 1896
Birth |
24 Aug 1899 |
New Market, Montgomery County, Indiana  |
Death |
3 Sep 1978 |
Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana  |
Burial |
Sep 1978 |
Masonic Cemetery, Union Township, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana  |
Spouse |
Herman Roslyn Rush | F22717 |
Marriage |
2 Mar 1920 |
Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana  |
Notes |
- Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
Name: Samuel A Wright
Marriage Date: 26 Aug 1896
Marriage County: Montgomery
Estimated Birth Year: 1852
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Father Name: John
Mother Name: Julia
Source Title 1: Montgomery Co Indiana
Source Title 2: Index to Marriage Transcript 1888 - 1905 Inclusive
Source Title 3: W. P. A. Compiled by Indiana Works Projects Admini
Book: W-43
OS Page: 44
Source Citation: Title: Montgomery Co Indiana, Index to MarriageTranscript 1888 - 1905 Inclusive, W. P. A. Compiled by Indiana WorksProjects Admini; Book: W-43;Page: 44. Ancestry.com. Indiana MarriageCollection, 1800-1941 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2005.
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
Name: Josie McMullen
Spouse Name: Samuel Wright
Marriage Date: 26 Aug 1896
Marriage County: Montgomery
Source Title 1: Montgomery County, Indiana
Source Title 2: Index to Marriage Record 1860-1920 Inclusive Volum
Source Title 3: W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O
Book: 13
OS Page: 395
Source Citation: Title: Montgomery County, Indiana, Index to MarriageRecord 1860-1920 Inclusive Volum, W. P. A. Original Record Located:County Clerk's O; Book: 13;Page: 395. Ancestry.com. Indiana MarriageCollection, 1800-1941 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2005.