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- [niswender.ged]
In 1880 census he was a Hotel Keeper.
Samuel's father died when he was 7. When he was 18, in 1842 , he moved west to Chicago, IL, a small village at the time . He had only $3 in his pocket--all his worldly possessions . Sixty miles west of Chicago, in the town of Mayfield, h e procureda piece of government land and started a farm.
When Samuel and Charlotte began married life together, thei r furniture consisted of one chair.
In 1857, Samuel first ventured to Minnesota and took a piec e of land near the town of Acoma. Indian troubles forced hi m to return to Illinois, where he stayed until 1879, his bu siness being the shipment of horses from Illinois to Minnes ota wherethey were sold to the pioneer farmers.
In 1879, he moved back to Minnesota with his family and ra n a hotel known as the "Railroad House'" (later the Merchan ts Hotel). After a year of this, he traded the hotel fo r a farm in the town of Lynn and then later moved to Hutchi nson, MN.
A few months before his death, at the age of 78, Samuel aga in became a pioneer establishing a homestead in North Dakot a, which was, at the time, the frontier of the Northwest. H e returned to Hutchinson for a time and died there.
By the time of his death, he owned 200 acres in Dekalb Coun ty, IL, 600 acres in McLeod County, MN and 160 acres in Nor th Dakota. "His one purpose in later years of his life wa s to provide well for his children and no family could hav e had a morethoughtful or indulgent father...His influenc e in the church and in the community has always been for ho nesty, temperance, industry, and a consistent religious lif e." --Obituary, Hutchinson Leader, Fri. Nov. 7, 1902, p.4.