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- Douglas, Donald, News appeared in Acton Free Press, 2 Jan 1908, page 3,column 3
The Grim Reaper Has Been Busy In-
deed During the Holidays.
More than usual deaths have occured in Acton and vicinity during thepast week and much sympathy has been felt for the bereft ones.
After a brief illness from pneumonia, Donald Douglas, of lot 21, con.7, Nassagaweya, died on Sunday. The death of this much respected youngman has been keenly felt, not only by his immediate family but by thecommunity.
Mr. Douglas was the son of George Douglas, and was born at Caithness,Scotland, forty years ago. When a lad of four years he came to Canadawith his parents and settled in Nassagaweya. When he grew to manhood heleft the home fireside and purchased a farm and built a home on lot 21,con. 7. Thirteen years ago he was joined in holy wedlock to MaryMcPhedian, Nassagaweya. Their happy life as partners endured for only twoyears when this beloved helpmate was called away. One son, WilliamGeorge, who is eleven years of age, is left to mourn the loss now of bothhis parents.
Deceased was not only a prosperous farmer; he was an upright,God-fearing man, a good neighbor and a worthy citizen. He was a member ofKnox Church, Acton.
The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was very largely attended, and wasconducted by his pastor, Rev. J. C. Wilson, B.A. Interment was made atFairview Cemetery, Messrs. Robert Wallace, Jno. Black, W. Frank, Geo.Nelles, Wm. Thompson and Donald Waldie acting as pall bearers.